Windermere Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2006

This dataset contains the open accessible data and reports for the FIMP survey carried out in Windermere Lake in 2007. Windermere Lake is an attractive tourist, recreation and retirement area, with its 36 km of shoreline and warm waters. The lake’s popularity has resulted in a steady increase in the density of shoreline dwellings and in the area leading the East Kootenays in growth and development. Alberta’s strong economy has particularly fuelled the increased development around the lake, and this growth trend is anticipated to continue into the future (RDEK 2007a). Although tourism derived from the lake is important to the growing local economy, the community’s dependence on the lake for drinking water and recreation has resulted in concerns being raised about the influences of human activities (Masse and Miller 2005, Fedrigo 2006). Observations from lake users and interview data collected indicates serious concerns with crowding at the lake, and serious impacts on lakeshore habitats from shore land development.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Dataset Collection Organization Interior Reforestation Co. Ltd
Dataset Steward Email
Dataset Citation Interior Reforestation Co. Ltd, McPherson, S., & Michel, D. (2021). Windermere Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2006 [Data set]. Columbia Basin Water Hub.
Dataset Upload Year 2021
Dataset Earliest Record Start Date 2006-01-01
Dataset Latest Record End Date 2007-12-31
Dataset Funding Description Funding provided by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans
Dataset Data Disclaimer No warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Other Data Sources N/A
Brief description of dataset location Shores of Windermere Lake
Dataset Type Lake
Dataset Keywords Habitat,GIS data,People and Perspectives,Technical Research Grade,Land Use,Lake
Dataset Latitude 50.4536
Dataset Longitude -115.9965
Dataset DOI
Station URL