Okanagan Lake Foreshore Inventory and Mapping and Aquatic Habitat Index 2016

This dataset relates to the Okanagan Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping and Aquatic Habitat Index from 2016, and 2011 respectively. It includes resources and data analysis with recommendations for these studies.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Dataset Collection Organization Regional District of Central Okanagan
Dataset Steward Email cbwaterhub@livinglakescanada.ca
Dataset Citation Regional District of Central Okanagan. (2016). Okanagan Lake Foreshore Inventory and Mapping and Aquatic Habitat Index. Columbia Basin Water Hub https://doi.org/10.48511/dvf1-e255
Dataset Upload Year 2023
Dataset Earliest Record Start Date 2009-01-01
Dataset Latest Record End Date 2017-04-01
Dataset Funding Description This project was funded by the Okanagan Basin Water Board.
Dataset Data Disclaimer Please see licensing and attribution of this dataset.
Other Data Sources Please see citations.
Brief description of dataset location Spanning the foreshore of the Okanagan Lake, ranging from Kelowna to Vernon, BC.
Dataset Type Lake
Dataset Keywords Lake,Land Use,Technical Research Grade
Dataset Latitude 50.001964
Dataset Longitude -119.47596
Dataset DOI
Station URL