Fraser Lake Foreshore Inventory and Mapping 2012

This dataset relates to the Fraser Lake Foreshore Mapping from 2012. It includes resources associated with this mapping study conducted in 2012.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Dataset Collection Organization Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Dataset Steward Email
Dataset Citation Prepared for Fisheries and Oceans Canada by Ecoscape Environmental Consultants Ltd. Fraser Lake Foreshore Inventory and Mapping. (2012). Columbia Basin Water Hub.
Dataset Upload Year 2023
Dataset Earliest Record Start Date 2011-08-16
Dataset Latest Record End Date 2012-03-01
Dataset Funding Description Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Dataset Data Disclaimer Please see licensing and attribution of this dataset.
Other Data Sources Please see citations.
Brief description of dataset location The foreshore mapping occurred for Fraser Lake, which is within the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako (RDBN).
Dataset Type Lake
Dataset Keywords Lake,Land Use
Dataset Latitude 54.080403
Dataset Longitude -124.742772
Dataset DOI
Station URL