222 datasets found

Licenses: CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0

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  • Cottonwood Creek Revival Project

    Living Lakes Canada
    Flowing from Cottonwood Lake Regional Park to Kootenay Lake, Cottonwood Creek is an important part of our community. However, parts of the creek are in poor condition and lack...
  • Haley Creek

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Conductivity and temperature measurements for Haley Creek. Temperature was collected prior to 2022 using a Tidbit datalogger and was part of a program that monitored the...
  • Valhalla Climate Station (MCKVAL01C)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains climate data for the Valhalla Climate Station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The...
  • Cherry Creek Hydrometric (UKKCHR01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Cherry Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Sulphur Creek Hydrometric (UKKSUL01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Sulphur Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Thunder Creek Hydrometric (UKKTHU01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Thunder Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Kikomun Creek Hydrometric (UKKKMN01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Kikomun Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Davis Creek Hydrometric Station (MCKDAV01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains data from a hydrometric station on Davis Creek. Previously operated under the Kootenay Watershed Science program, this site is now part of Living Lakes...
  • Summit Creek

    Wildsight Creston Valley
    This contains water quality monitoring data from Summit Creek. This data is to assess condition of the creek with respect to kokanee spawning. Several restoration projects are...
  • Fitzstubbs Creek Hydrometric (MCKFIT01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Fitzstubbs Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water...
  • Glacier Creek Lower Hydrometric (MCKGLA02H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Glacier Creek lower hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water...
  • McDonald Creek Hydrometric (MCKMCD01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for McDonald Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring...
  • Summit Lake Level (MCKSUM01L)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains lake level and water temperature data for Summit Lake. The data is being collected to track climate change and other impacts on Columbia Basin water supply...
  • Dumont Creek Hydrometric (MCKDUM01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Dumont Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring...
  • Assiniboine Creek Hydrometric (CKHASB01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Assiniboine Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water...
  • Caribou Creek Hydrometric (MCKCAR01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Caribou Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring...
  • Silverton Creek Hydrometric (MCKSIL01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Silverton Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water...
  • Bruce Creek Hydrometric (CKHBRU01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Bruce Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring...
  • Delphine Creek Hydrometric (CKHDEL01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Delphine Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring...
  • Jones Creek Hydrometric (CKHJON01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Jones Creek hydrometric station. Jones Creek was selected for monitoring to track potential human impacts to...
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