Whatshan Lake Field Water Quality
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyAncillary water quality data (temperature, pH and Secchi depth) for Whatshan Lake, collected by CKISS as part of their invasive mussel monitoring program. -
Wilson Creek Water Quality Monitoring
Slocan Lake Stewardship SocietySince 2016, SLSS volunteers have been monitoring four streams that feed Slocan Lake for basic water quality parameters. The purpose is to identify unusual changes that might... -
Wilson Creek Water Quality (1983)
Slocan Lake Research CentreThis dataset contains a scanned original, and a transcribed tabular file of a water quality sample collected from the CPR Bunkhouse at Rosebery, BC in 1983. -
Wilson Creek
Slocan Lake Research CentreThis dataset contains water temperature measurements for Wilson Creek, and a document detailing the history and geomorphology of Wilson Creek. -
Summit Lake Field Water Quality
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyAncillary water quality data (temperature, pH and Secchi depth) for Summit Lake, collected by CKISS as part of their invasive mussel monitoring program. -
Thomas Brook
Columbia Basin Water HubThis is a log of flow measurements of a spring, Thomas Brook, at the top edge of private land near Argenta, BC. -
Pend D'Oreille River Field Water Quality
Central Kootenay Invasive Species SocietyAncillary water quality data (temperature, pH and Secchi depth) for the Pend D'Oreille River, collected by CKISS as part of their invasive mussel monitoring program. -
Columbia Basin Hydrologic Regions
Columbia Basin Water HubHydrologic regions of the Upper Columbia Basin as indicated by patterns of climate and surface runoff, created by Greg Utzig. -
CLEAR Environmental Screening Report
Collective for Lower Elk Aquifer RestorationThis dataset contains the CLEAR Environmental Screening Report which includes information related to groundwater, surface water quality, and species in the vicinity. The study... -
Foreshore Integrated Management Planning Framework
Foreshore Integrated Management PlanningThis dataset includes the current and up-to-date methods, data management, and R script which are used to carry out FIM surveys. -
St Mary Lake Foreshore Integrated Management Planning 2022
Foreshore Integrated Management PlanningThis dataset contains the open accessible data and reports for the FIMP survey carried out in St Mary Lake in 2022. St. Mary Lake and the associated watershed contribute fresh... -
Groundwater Program Reports and Resources
Living Lakes Groundwater Monitoring ProgramSummary reports and additional resources related to the Living Lakes Canada Groundwater Monitoring Program. -
Windermere Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2006
Foreshore Integrated Management PlanningThis dataset contains the open accessible data and reports for the FIMP survey carried out in Windermere Lake in 2007. Windermere Lake is an attractive tourist, recreation and... -
Foreshore Inventory Mapping Zones of Sensitivity and Foreshore Habitat...
Foreshore Integrated Management PlanningThis dataset contains the currently available data for Zones of Sensitivity and Foreshore Habitat Sensitivity Index. This current dataset contains data for various lakes within... -
Kootenay Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2010 - 2019
Foreshore Integrated Management PlanningThis dataset contains the openly accessible data for the FIMP survey carried out on Kootenay Lake in 2012. Many of the areas around Kootenay Lake have historically been... -
Moyie Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2009
Foreshore Integrated Management PlanningThis dataset contains the openly accesible data for the FIMP survey carried out in Moyie Lake in 2009. The shoreline of Moyie Lake provides residents and tourists with excellent... -
Lac La Biche Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2017
Foreshore Integrated Management PlanningThis dataset contains the openly accessible data for the FIMP survey carried out in Lac La Biche in 2017. Lac La Biche is a large lake situated in the Boreal Mixedwood Ecoregion... -
Wasa Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2010
Foreshore Integrated Management PlanningThis dataset contains the open accessible data and reports for the FIMP survey carried out in Wasa Lake and Cameron Pond in 2010. The shoreline of Wasa Lake was determined to be... -
Tie Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2012
Foreshore Integrated Management PlanningThis dataset contains the open accessible data and reports for the FIMP survey carried out in Tie Lake in 2012. Tie Lake is located between Cranbrook and Fernie in the East... -
Rosen Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2010
Foreshore Integrated Management PlanningThis dataset contains the accessible data and reports for the FIMP survey carried out in Rosen Lake in 2010. The Rosen Lake shoreline is approximately 5,440 m long and is...