Horse Creek (NAHOR01)
Columbia Basin Water HubWater quality monitoring for Horse Creek. From 2009 to 2012, data in this dataset was collected by Wildsight Golden as part of the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring... -
Joseph Creek (NGJOS03)
Columbia Basin Water HubWater quality monitoring for Joseph Creek. From 2007 to 2015, data in this dataset was collected as part of the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring Project which was... -
Ventego Creek (NAVEN01)
Columbia Basin Water HubWater quality monitoring for Ventego Creek. From 2010 to 2014 data in this dataset was collected by the Wildsight Golden as part of the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring... -
Caribou Creek (NECAR01)
Arrow Lakes Environmental Stewardship SocietyWater quality monitoring for Caribou Creek. From 2009 to 2014 data in this dataset was collected as part of the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring Project which was... -
Horse Creek (NAHOR02)
Columbia Basin Water HubWater quality monitoring for Horse Creek. From 2009 to 2014, data in this dataset was collected by Wildsight Golden as part of the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring... -
Lemon Creek (NJLEM03)
Slocan River StreamkeepersWater quality and quantity monitoring for Lemon Creek by SRSS. Some resources in this dataset were collected as part of the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring Project which... -
Lardeau River (NHLAR02)
Friends of the Lardeau RiverWater quality monitoring for the Lardeau River. From 2009 to 2013, data in this dataset was collected as part of the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring Project which was... -
Springer Creek
Slocan River StreamkeepersWater monitoring on Springer Creek by Slocan River Streamkeepers. -
Lake Windermere Ambassadors Annual Water Monitoring Reports
Lake Windermere AmbassadorsIncluded are the annual water monitoring reports from Lake Windermere and Windermere Creek as well as aquatic invasive plant reports and a report on Lake Windermere water birds.