24 datasets found

Tags: Community-based monitoring Stream Collections: Lower Columbia-Kootenay

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  • Topping Creek

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Data includes water level as determined from pressure transducer in logger sensor and temperature; Flow will be measured periodically to determine Rating Curve. Battery failure...
  • Goat River Water Quality

    Wildsight Creston Valley
    This dataset contains water quality measurements and lab results for Goat River. This is part of a program that collects water quality data using portable meters from spring to...
  • Laird Creek Watershed Monitoring

    Laird Creek Water Users
    Water monitoring on Laird Creek, currently led by the Laird Creek Water Users
  • Cambridge Creek (01)

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Temperature measurements for Cambridge Creek. This is part of a program that monitors the temperature of nine creeks in the Trail Creek Watershed, and one location in the...
  • Sheep Creek Water Monitoring

    Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society
    Water quality and quantity monitoring data for Sheep Creek (NESHP01, NESHP02, NESHP03) collected by SWSS. Some resources in this dataset were collected as part of the Columbia...
  • Topping Creek Temperature

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Temperature measurements for Topping Creek. This is part of a program that monitors the temperature of nine creeks in the Trail Creek Watershed, and one location in the Topping...
  • Centennial Wetland

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Water quality and temperature measurements for a stream in Centennial Wetland. This is part of a program that monitors the temperature of nine creeks in the Trail Creek...
  • Tiger Creek

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Temperature measurements for Tiger Creek. This is part of a program that monitors the temperature of nine creeks in the Trail Creek Watershed, and one location in the Topping...
  • Falaise Creek

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Temperature measurements from a Tidbit datalogger for Falaise Creek. This is part of a program that monitors the temperature of nine creeks in the Trail Creek Watershed, and one...
  • Trail Creek

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    This dataset contains laboratory analysis of water samples collected from the upper Trail Creek in Rossland. Water Quality data is also available for Falaise, Haley and Warfield...
  • Upper Trail Creek

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    A flow (still well) monitoring station TCW02 was installed on upper Trail Creek in Rossland in September 2017. It was discontinued in June 2023 in favour of a downstream...
  • Warfield Creek

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Water quality and temperature measurements for Warfield Creek. This is part of a program that monitors the temperature of nine creeks in the Trail Creek Watershed, and one...
  • Milkranch Creek

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Temperature measurements for Milkranch Creek. This is part of a program that monitors the temperature of nine creeks in the Trail Creek Watershed, and one location in the...
  • Trail Creek At Annable Flume Entrance

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Water level monitoring data by staff gauge and Onset WL logger and temperature at the entrance to the City of Trail Gulch flume downstream from the RayLyn Hotel. Discontinued
  • Cemetery Creek

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Temperature measurements by Tidbit datalogger for Cemetery Creek. This is part of a program that monitors the temperature of nine creeks in the Trail Creek Watershed, and one...
  • Clearwater Creek Temperature (Upper - Lower)

    Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society
    This resource contains temperature data from Clearwater Creek (includes data from two sites: Upper, Lower). These sites have been monitored for 5 years (2014-08-03 to...
  • Curtis Creek Temperature (Upper - Lower)

    Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society
    This resource contains temperature data from Curtis Creek (includes data from two sites: Upper, Lower). These sites have been monitored for 4 years (2015-06-18 to 2019-10-01)....
  • Erie Creek Temperature (Upper)

    Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society
    This resource contains temperature data from Upper Erie Creek. These sites have been monitored for 6 years (2014-08-02 to 2020-08-17). The Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society...
  • Hidden Creek Temperature (Upper - Lower)

    Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society
    This resource contains temperature data from Upper and Lower Hidden Creek. These sites have been monitored for 15 years (2004-10-21 to 2019-07-31). The Salmo Watershed...
  • South Salmo River (Upper - Lower)

    Salmo Watershed Streamkeepers Society
    This resource contains data from the South Salmo River (includes data from two sites: Upper - Lower). These sites have been monitored for 15 years (2003-08-29 to 2018-11-01).
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