87 datasets found

Tags: Technical Research Grade Formats: CSV

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  • Haley Creek

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Conductivity and temperature measurements for Haley Creek. Temperature was collected prior to 2022 using a Tidbit datalogger and was part of a program that monitored the...
  • Galton Climate (UKKGAL01C)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains climate data for Galton Climate Station. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Valhalla Climate Station (MCKVAL01C)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains climate data for the Valhalla Climate Station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The...
  • Edwards Lake Level (UKKEDW01L)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains lake level data for Edwards Lake. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a...
  • Reserve Creek Hydrometric (UKKRSV01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Reserve Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Willie Phillips Creek Hydrometric (UKKWIL01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Willie Phillips Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water...
  • Shottanana Lake Level (UKKSHO01L)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated monitoring network that tracks how climate change and other...
  • VOW 19 - Grasmere (Hwy 93)

    Living Lakes Groundwater Monitoring Program
    This dataset is part of the Living Lakes Canada Upper Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program, and contains a groundwater level monitoring record for VOW 19 - Grasmere...
  • VOW 23 - Yaq̓it ʔa·knuqⱡi ‘it (Grasmere Dorr Rd)

    Living Lakes Groundwater Monitoring Program
    This dataset is part of the Living Lakes Canada Upper Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program, and contains a groundwater level monitoring record for VOW 23 - Yaq̓it...
  • VOW 02 - Creston (South Goat River Rd)

    Living Lakes Groundwater Monitoring Program
    This dataset is part of the Living Lakes Canada Upper Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program, and contains a groundwater monitoring record for LLC VOW 02 - Creston (South...
  • Cottonwood Creek Revival Project

    Living Lakes Canada
    Flowing from Cottonwood Lake Regional Park to Kootenay Lake, Cottonwood Creek is an important part of our community. However, parts of the creek are in poor condition and lack...
  • Lake Windermere Water Monitoring

    Lake Windermere Ambassadors
    This dataset forms part of the Lake Windermere Monitoring Project, which aims to monitor water based on community concerns. It includes weekly field measurements of water depth,...
  • Slocan Lake Level (MCKSLO01L)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated monitoring network that tracks how climate change and other...
  • Summit Creek Hydrometric (LCKSUM01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Summit Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Lake Windermere Lab Analysis 2024

    Lake Windermere Ambassadors
    This resource is part of the Lake Windermere Monitoring Program and contains lab analysis of monthly water samples through the season, taken from 3 site locations on Lake...
  • Kelly Creek Hydrometric (LCKKEL01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Kelly Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated monitoring...
  • Hanna Creek Hydrometric (LCKHAN01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Hanna Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated monitoring...
  • Cherry Creek Hydrometric (UKKCHR01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Cherry Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Sulphur Creek Hydrometric (UKKSUL01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Sulphur Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Thunder Creek Hydrometric (UKKTHU01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Thunder Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
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