298 datasets found

Tags: Water temperature

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  • 2022 National Lake Blitz

    National Lake Blitz
    The Living Lakes Canada's National Lake Blitz Project is an annual volunteer program to encourage the widespread monitoring of lakes across Canada using simple tools so...
  • 2023 National Lake Blitz

    National Lake Blitz
    The Living Lakes Canada's National Lake Blitz Project is an annual volunteer program to encourage the widespread monitoring of lakes across Canada using simple tools so...
  • 2024 National Lake Blitz

    National Lake Blitz
    The Living Lakes Canada's National Lake Blitz Project is an annual volunteer program to encourage the widespread monitoring of lakes across Canada using simple tools so...
  • VOW 27 - Canyon (40th St)

    Living Lakes Groundwater Monitoring Program
    This dataset is part of the Living Lakes Canada Upper Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program, and contains a groundwater monitoring record for VOW 27 - Canyon (40th St)....
  • Cambridge Creek Hydrology

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    Water level monitoring data and temperature for Cambridge Creek collected by Rossland Streamkeepers.
  • Trail Creek at French Street

    Rossland Streamkeepers
    A Solinst LevelVent 5 water level datalogger S/N 2174515 was deployed at the French St bridge location on 19 Sept 2023. This was the same location used by Water Survey Canada...
  • Ben Hur Creek Hydrometric Station (MCKBEN01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains data from a hydrometric station on Ben Hur Creek. The station was previously operated under the Kootenay Watershed Science program and is now part of...
  • Upper Wilson Creek Hydrometric (MCKWIL01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Upper Wilson Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water...
  • Wolverton Creek Hydrometric (MCKWOL01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Wolverton Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water...
  • Rock Canyon Creek Hydrometric (UKKROC01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Rock Canyon Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Lillian Lake Level (CKHLIL01L)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains lake level data for Lillian Lake. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated monitoring...
  • Hazel Creek Hydrometric (LCKHAZ01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Hazel Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated monitoring...
  • Hardie Creek Hydrometric (CKHHAR01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Hardie Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring...
  • Fairmont Creek Hydrometric (CKHFAR01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Fairmont Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring...
  • Blueberry Creek Hydrometric (LCKBLU01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Blueberry Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Shepp Creek Hydrometric (UKKSHP01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Shepp Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated monitoring...
  • Carlyle Creek Hydrometric Station (MCKCRL01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains data from a hydrometric station on Carlyle Creek. Previously operated under the Kootenay Watershed Science program, this site is now part of Living Lakes...
  • Glacier Creek Upper Hydrometric (MCKGLA01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Glacier Creek upper hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water...
  • Rosebud Lake Level (LCKRBD01L)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains lake level data for Rosebud Lake. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated monitoring...
  • Kootenay Joe Creek Hydrometric Station (MCKKOJ01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains data from a hydrometric station on Kootenay Joe Creek. This site, previously operated under the Kootenay Watershed Science program, is now part of Living...
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