This dataset contains the openly accesible data for the FIMP survey carried out in Moyie Lake in 2009. The shoreline of Moyie Lake provides residents and tourists with excellent opportunities to live and recreate in a rural setting. Moyie Lake consists of a North and South Basin, with a very biologically diverse (i.e., productive) narrows region in the middle. The lake contains many important wildlife features, including several significant wetlands and flood bench communities which were mapped as part of this project. Moyie Lake also has several important stream tributaries that provide important spawning habitat for kokanee and salmonid species. In close proximity to Moyie Lake is Monroe Lake. Monroe is a smaller lake, with one cluster of development. Monroe Lake also contains important wetland habitats, and is surrounded by coniferous forests of varying structural stages due to recent forest fire events. Fisheries and Wildlife reports have been prepared for both Moyie and Monroe Lakes (under separate cover).