Resource metadata

Field Value
Data last updated January 30, 2024
Metadata last updated January 30, 2024
Created June 26, 2022
Format CSV
License CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Ckan url
Data collection infoWater samples were collected using sterile bottles and preservatives provided by the laboratory and returned to them for assessment. One duplicate and one field blank are collected for every 10 samples.
Data processingThis dataset contains direct laboratory results.
Data typelab
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Datastore statuspending
Has viewsTrue
Header row1
Ignore hashFalse
Load statusTable was successfully loaded: 801 rows
Original url
Package idc9cb4e15-2416-4c6f-9237-23b70bca9638
Parameter[{'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2014-10-07 13:25', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20141007_1325', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2015-05-26 17:32', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20150526_1732', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2017-06-26 16:25', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20170626_1625', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2015-07-14 15:10', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20150714_1510', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'CARO Analytical Services', 'sample_date_time': '2021-10-06 09:35', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20211006_0935', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2017-07-11 16:10', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20170711_1610', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2015-07-29 18:30', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20150729_1830', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2017-09-12 11:35', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20170912_1135', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2017-10-10 16:10', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20171010_1610', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2018-09-12 14:05', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20180912_1405', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'CARO Analytical Services', 'sample_date_time': '2019-06-01', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20190601', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'CARO Analytical Services', 'sample_date_time': '2019-10-10', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20191010', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2016-05-25 15:15', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20160525_1515', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'CARO Analytical Services', 'sample_date_time': '2020-09-20 16:00', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20200920_1600', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'CARO Analytical Services', 'sample_date_time': '2022-09-14 09:24', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20220914_0924', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2016-08-23 15:30', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20160823_1530', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'CARO Analytical Services', 'sample_date_time': '2023-09-27 12:30', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20230927_1230', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2015-08-24 14:44', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20150824_1445', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2015-09-23 15:00', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20150923_1500', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2015-10-20 16:50', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20151020_1650', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2016-04-19 14:30', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20160419_1430', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2016-06-28 16:00', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20160628_1600', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2017-08-08 17:00', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20170808_1700', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2016-07-20 15:00', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20160720_1500', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2016-09-21 13:00', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20160921_1300', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2016-10-24', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20161024_0000', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2017-04-10 15:25', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20170410_1525', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}, {'lab_name': 'Maxam', 'sample_date_time': '2017-05-09 15:05', 'sample_details': 'Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab\r\n', 'sample_id': 'ALX003_20170509_1505', 'sample_site_id': 'ALX003', 'time_zone': 'MT'}]
Recent qa date2024-01-18
Resource citationElk River Watershed Alliance. (2022). Water Quality (2014-10-07 to 2023-09-27) Alexander Creek (ALX003) [Resource]. Columbia Basin Water Hub. 10.48511/G87A-XN35
Resource data disclaimerNo warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Resource idf46c61e4-71b9-45f0-a0a9-9abec8d647b3
Resource locationAlexander Creek, Elk River Watershed. Note that this dataset pertains to water samples collected at ALX003, which is located 29 m downstream of NGALX03. Due to their very close proximity, ALX003 and NGALX03 are considered the same site.
Set url typeFalse
Site[{'datum': 'NAD83', 'elevation': 1302, 'latitude': 49.655207, 'longitude': -114.730742, 'site_id': 'ALX003', 'site_name': 'Alexander Creek', 'waterbody': 'Alexander Creek', 'waterbody_type': 'stream/river'}]
Size120.7 KiB
Task created2024-01-30 20:21:49.781497
Url typeupload
Waterhub gradeTechnical Research Grade
Citation (Required) Elk River Watershed Alliance. (2022). Water Quality (2014-10-07 to 2023-09-27) Alexander Creek (ALX003) [Resource]. Columbia Basin Water Hub. 10.48511/G87A-XN35
Resource Location Alexander Creek, Elk River Watershed. Note that this dataset pertains to water samples collected at ALX003, which is located 29 m downstream of NGALX03. Due to their very close proximity, ALX003 and NGALX03 are considered the same site.
Data Collection Information Water samples were collected using sterile bottles and preservatives provided by the laboratory and returned to them for assessment. One duplicate and one field blank are collected for every 10 samples.
Data Processing This dataset contains direct laboratory results.
Data Disclaimer No warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Water Hub Data Grade Technical Research Grade
Date of Most Recent Water Hub QA/QC 2024-01-18
Loading Status Table was successfully loaded: 801 rows
Datastore Status pending
Data type Laboratory Results

Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description BODC ID
date_time_sampled text
date_analysed text
sample_id text
site_ID text
latitude text
longitude text
analyte text
method text
unit_of_measurement text
value_type text
matrix text
detection_limit text
values text
notes text
water_hub_qa_qc text


Field Value
Site ID ALX003
Site Name Alexander Creek
Waterbody Type Stream/River
Waterbody Alexander Creek
Site Latitude 49.655207
Site Longitude -114.730742
Location Coordinate System NAD83
Site Elevation (masl) 1302


Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20141007_1325
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2014-10-07 13:25
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20150526_1732
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2015-05-26 17:32
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20170626_1625
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2017-06-26 16:25
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20150714_1510
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2015-07-14 15:10
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20211006_0935
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name CARO Analytical Services
Date and Time of Sampling 2021-10-06 09:35
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20170711_1610
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2017-07-11 16:10
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20150729_1830
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2015-07-29 18:30
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20170912_1135
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2017-09-12 11:35
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20171010_1610
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2017-10-10 16:10
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20180912_1405
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2018-09-12 14:05
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20190601
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name CARO Analytical Services
Date and Time of Sampling 2019-06-01
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20191010
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name CARO Analytical Services
Date and Time of Sampling 2019-10-10
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20160525_1515
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2016-05-25 15:15
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20200920_1600
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name CARO Analytical Services
Date and Time of Sampling 2020-09-20 16:00
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20220914_0924
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name CARO Analytical Services
Date and Time of Sampling 2022-09-14 09:24
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20160823_1530
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2016-08-23 15:30
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20230927_1230
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name CARO Analytical Services
Date and Time of Sampling 2023-09-27 12:30
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20150824_1445
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2015-08-24 14:44
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20150923_1500
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2015-09-23 15:00
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20151020_1650
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2015-10-20 16:50
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20160419_1430
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2016-04-19 14:30
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20160628_1600
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2016-06-28 16:00
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20170808_1700
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2017-08-08 17:00
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20160720_1500
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2016-07-20 15:00
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20160921_1300
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2016-09-21 13:00
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20161024_0000
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2016-10-24
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20170410_1525
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2017-04-10 15:25
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab
Field Value
Time Zone MT
Sample ID ALX003_20170509_1505
Site ID ALX003
Lab Name Maxam
Date and Time of Sampling 2017-05-09 15:05
Sampling Details Samples collected using bottles and preservatives provided by the lab