Resource metadata

Field Value
Data last updated January 23, 2025
Metadata last updated January 23, 2025
Created April 9, 2024
Format CSV
License CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Ckan url
Data collection infoWhen possible, samples are collected from the thalweg of the stream, at approximately 50% of the water depth. Under hazardous flow or ice conditions, samples are collected from the stream bank, with the technician reaching out as far as possible into the water.
Data processingFor most variables, two measurements are taken and the average is reported here. The Water Hub has performed a preliminary QA/QC protocol on this data but the individual user must still confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Data typenon-lab
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Datastore statuspending
Has viewsTrue
Header row1
Ignore hashFalse
Load statusTable was successfully loaded: 148 rows
Original url
Package idb20af6b6-e242-41a6-9a74-8d9bdf9e6ee6
Parameter[{'accuracy': 'N/A', 'calibration': 'N/A', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'N/A', 'instrument_model': 'N/A', 'instrument_type': 'N/A', 'notes_method': 'Qualitative', 'parameter': 'weather and notes', 'parameter_unit': 'observation', 'range': 'N/A', 'resolution': 'N/A', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'PST'}, {'accuracy': ' +/- 1°C', 'calibration': 'N/A', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'N/A', 'instrument_model': 'N/A', 'instrument_type': 'Analog Thermometer', 'notes_method': 'An analog thermometer is hung from a branch (in the shade where possible) upon arrival at each site and left there while other parameters are measured, two readings are taken when other monitoring activities have concluded and the temperature has stabilized. Two measurements are recorded and the average is presented in this dataset. ', 'parameter': 'Air temperature', 'parameter_unit': 'degrees celsius', 'range': '-2°C to 57°C', 'resolution': 'N/A', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'PST'}, {'accuracy': '-5 to 45°C', 'calibration': 'Calibrated before each sue. ', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'YSI\r\n', 'instrument_model': '556MPS', 'instrument_type': 'Portable Multiparameter Meter', 'notes_method': 'Using the thermometer on the conductivity meter', 'parameter': 'Water Temperature', 'parameter_unit': 'degrees celsius', 'range': '0 to 20 mg/L, ± 2% of the reading or ±0.2 mg/L, whichever is greater', 'resolution': '0.01 or 0.1 mg/L', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'PST'}, {'accuracy': 'N/A', 'calibration': 'Calibrated before each use. ', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'YSI\r\n', 'instrument_model': 'Pro20', 'instrument_type': 'Portable Multiparameter Meter', 'notes_method': 'In 2023, DO was measured using a YSI EXO2 Sonde. Two measurements are recorded and the average is presented in this dataset. ', 'parameter': 'dissolved oxygen', 'parameter_unit': 'milligrams per litre', 'range': '0 to 50 mg/L', 'resolution': 'N/A', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'PST'}, {'accuracy': '1.0', 'calibration': 'N/A', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'VWR Chemicals', 'instrument_model': 'N/A', 'instrument_type': 'Test Strips', 'notes_method': 'N/A', 'parameter': 'pH', 'parameter_unit': 'ph units', 'range': 'N/A', 'resolution': 'N/A', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'PST'}, {'accuracy': '±1.0% of reading or ±0.001 mS ⁄ cm; whichever is greater', 'calibration': 'Calibrated before each use. ', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'YSI\r\n', 'instrument_model': '556MPS', 'instrument_type': 'Portable Multiparameter Meter', 'notes_method': 'In 2023, conductivity was measured using a YSI EXO2 Sonde. Two measurements are recorded and the average is presented in this dataset. ', 'parameter': 'specific conductivity', 'parameter_unit': 'microsiemens per centimetre', 'range': '0 to 200 mS/cm', 'resolution': '0.001 mS ⁄cm to 0.1 mS ⁄cm (range dependent)', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'PST'}, {'accuracy': '0-2.5 NTU/FNU: ±0.05', 'calibration': 'Calibrated Using 0/1/10 NTU standards', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'LaMotte\r\n', 'instrument_model': '2020t Turbidimeter', 'instrument_type': 'Bench Meter', 'notes_method': 'Samples are collected in situ, and measured in office. Where possible samples are analyzed on same day as sampling. When this is not possible, samples are stored in a cool, dark location and analyzed as soon as possible. Two readings are taken and the average is presented in this dataset. ', 'parameter': 'turbidity', 'parameter_unit': 'ntu', 'range': '0-100 NTU/FNU', 'resolution': '0-10.99 NTU/FNU: 0.0', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'PST'}, {'accuracy': 'N/A', 'calibration': 'N/A', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'N/A', 'instrument_model': 'N/A', 'instrument_type': 'N/A', 'notes_method': 'Samples are collected using standardized bottles provided by lab, and are stored in a cooler/refrigerator until picked up by the lab. Samples are processed by lab within 24 hours of collection. Test method: Membrane Filtration on LES Endo medium. Reference APHA 9222B. ', 'parameter': 'total coliforms', 'parameter_unit': 'cfu per 100 ml', 'range': 'N/A', 'resolution': 'N/A', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'PST'}, {'accuracy': 'N/A', 'calibration': 'N/A', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'N/A', 'instrument_model': 'N/A', 'instrument_type': 'N/A', 'notes_method': 'Samples are collected using standardized bottles provided by lab, and are stored in a cooler/refrigerator until picked up by the lab. Samples are processed by lab within 24 hours of collection. Test method: Membrane Filtration on LES Endo medium. Reference APHA 9222B. ', 'parameter': 'e-coli', 'parameter_unit': 'cfu per 100 ml', 'range': 'N/A', 'resolution': 'N/A', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'PST'}]
Recent qa date2024-04-09
Resource citationLiving Lakes Canada. (2024). Water Quality (2023-07-27 to 2025-01-14) Cottonwood Creek [Resource]. Columbia Basin Water Hub. DOI
Resource data disclaimerNo warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. Insufficient metadata is available to assess the quality of this data. Instrument accuracy may be limited. A calibration record has not been provided for the instruments used to collect this data. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Resource id15f8b41c-a0e9-47dc-b27b-895199102724
Resource locationSites located along Cottonwood Creek, from Cottonwood Lake to Kootenay Lake.
Set url typeFalse
Site[{'datum': 'WGS84', 'elevation': 534, 'latitude': 49.491172, 'longitude': -117.304032, 'site_id': 'COT01', 'site_name': 'Cottonwood Creek at Mouth', 'waterbody': 'Cottonwood Creek', 'waterbody_type': 'stream/river'}, {'datum': 'WGS84', 'elevation': 548, 'latitude': 49.487823, 'longitude': -117.296649, 'site_id': 'COT02', 'site_name': 'Nelson Rod and Gun Club Bridge', 'waterbody': 'Cottonwood Creek', 'waterbody_type': 'stream/river'}, {'datum': 'WGS84', 'elevation': 618, 'latitude': 49.481734, 'longitude': -117.29259, 'site_id': 'COT03', 'site_name': 'Highway 6 Park and Ride', 'waterbody': 'Cottonwood Creek', 'waterbody_type': 'stream/river'}, {'datum': 'WGS84', 'elevation': 651, 'latitude': 49.472949, 'longitude': -117.288757, 'site_id': 'COT04', 'site_name': 'Cottonwood Road Bridge', 'waterbody': 'Cottonwood Creek', 'waterbody_type': 'stream/river'}, {'datum': 'WGS84', 'elevation': 697, 'latitude': 49.466328, 'longitude': -117.284833, 'site_id': 'COT05', 'site_name': 'Cottonwood Creek at Kline Road', 'waterbody': 'Cottonwood Creek', 'waterbody_type': 'stream/river'}, {'datum': 'WGS84', 'elevation': 890, 'latitude': 49.431227, 'longitude': -117.255129, 'site_id': 'COT06', 'site_name': 'Near Cottonwood Lake', 'waterbody': 'Cottonwood Creek', 'waterbody_type': 'stream/river'}]
Size43.7 KiB
Task created2025-01-23 00:38:12.018943
Url typeupload
Waterhub gradeTechnical Research Grade
Citation (Required) Living Lakes Canada. (2024). Water Quality (2023-07-27 to 2025-01-14) Cottonwood Creek [Resource]. Columbia Basin Water Hub. DOI
Resource Location Sites located along Cottonwood Creek, from Cottonwood Lake to Kootenay Lake.
Data Collection Information When possible, samples are collected from the thalweg of the stream, at approximately 50% of the water depth. Under hazardous flow or ice conditions, samples are collected from the stream bank, with the technician reaching out as far as possible into the water.
Data Processing For most variables, two measurements are taken and the average is reported here. The Water Hub has performed a preliminary QA/QC protocol on this data but the individual user must still confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Data Disclaimer No warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. Insufficient metadata is available to assess the quality of this data. Instrument accuracy may be limited. A calibration record has not been provided for the instruments used to collect this data. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Water Hub Data Grade Technical Research Grade
Date of Most Recent Water Hub QA/QC 2024-04-09
Loading Status Table was successfully loaded: 148 rows
Datastore Status pending
Data type General

Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description BODC ID
date_time text
site_id text
latitude text
longitude text
notes text
collection_method text
collection_method_units text
weather_and_notes text
weather_and_notes_units text
air_temperature text
air_temperature_units text
water_temperature text
water_temperature_units text
dissolved_oxygen text
dissolved_oxygen_units text
pH text PHXXPR01 pH per unit volume of the water body by pH electrode SDN:P01::PHXXPR01
pH_units text
specific_conductivity text
specific_conductivity_units text
turbidity text Turbidity Estimate of suspended sediment concentration based on the proportion of a light transmission in the water column that is reflected back to a co-located receiver. SDN:P01::TURBXXXX
turbidity_units text
total_coliforms text
total_coliforms_units text
e_coli text
e_coli_units text
fecal_coliforms text
fecal_coliforms_units text
water_hub_qa_qc text


Field Value
Site ID COT01
Site Name Cottonwood Creek at Mouth
Waterbody Type Stream/River
Waterbody Cottonwood Creek
Site Latitude 49.491172
Site Longitude -117.304032
Location Coordinate System WGS84
Site Elevation (masl) 534
Field Value
Site ID COT02
Site Name Nelson Rod and Gun Club Bridge
Waterbody Type Stream/River
Waterbody Cottonwood Creek
Site Latitude 49.487823
Site Longitude -117.296649
Location Coordinate System WGS84
Site Elevation (masl) 548
Field Value
Site ID COT03
Site Name Highway 6 Park and Ride
Waterbody Type Stream/River
Waterbody Cottonwood Creek
Site Latitude 49.481734
Site Longitude -117.29259
Location Coordinate System WGS84
Site Elevation (masl) 618
Field Value
Site ID COT04
Site Name Cottonwood Road Bridge
Waterbody Type Stream/River
Waterbody Cottonwood Creek
Site Latitude 49.472949
Site Longitude -117.288757
Location Coordinate System WGS84
Site Elevation (masl) 651
Field Value
Site ID COT05
Site Name Cottonwood Creek at Kline Road
Waterbody Type Stream/River
Waterbody Cottonwood Creek
Site Latitude 49.466328
Site Longitude -117.284833
Location Coordinate System WGS84
Site Elevation (masl) 697
Field Value
Site ID COT06
Site Name Near Cottonwood Lake
Waterbody Type Stream/River
Waterbody Cottonwood Creek
Site Latitude 49.431227
Site Longitude -117.255129
Location Coordinate System WGS84
Site Elevation (masl) 890


weather and notes
Field Value
Parameter weather and notes
Time Zone PST
Unit of Measurement observation
Instrument Type N/A
Instrument Manufacturer N/A
Instrument Model N/A
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy N/A
Range N/A
Resolution N/A
Calibration Notes N/A
Notes on Method Qualitative
Air temperature
Field Value
Parameter Air temperature
Time Zone PST
Unit of Measurement degrees Celsius
Instrument Type Analog Thermometer
Instrument Manufacturer N/A
Instrument Model N/A
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy +/- 1°C
Range -2°C to 57°C
Resolution N/A
Calibration Notes N/A
Notes on Method An analog thermometer is hung from a branch (in the shade where possible) upon arrival at each site and left there while other parameters are measured, two readings are taken when other monitoring activities have concluded and the temperature has stabilized. Two measurements are recorded and the average is presented in this dataset.
Water Temperature
Field Value
Parameter Water Temperature
Time Zone PST
Unit of Measurement degrees Celsius
Instrument Type Portable Multiparameter Meter
Instrument Manufacturer YSI
Instrument Model 556MPS
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy -5 to 45°C
Range 0 to 20 mg/L, ± 2% of the reading or ±0.2 mg/L, whichever is greater
Resolution 0.01 or 0.1 mg/L
Calibration Notes Calibrated before each sue.
Notes on Method Using the thermometer on the conductivity meter
dissolved oxygen
Field Value
Parameter dissolved oxygen
Time Zone PST
Unit of Measurement milligrams per litre
Instrument Type Portable Multiparameter Meter
Instrument Manufacturer YSI
Instrument Model Pro20
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy N/A
Range 0 to 50 mg/L
Resolution N/A
Calibration Notes Calibrated before each use.
Notes on Method In 2023, DO was measured using a YSI EXO2 Sonde. Two measurements are recorded and the average is presented in this dataset.
Field Value
Parameter pH
Time Zone PST
Unit of Measurement pH units
Instrument Type Test Strips
Instrument Manufacturer VWR Chemicals
Instrument Model N/A
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy 1.0
Range N/A
Resolution N/A
Calibration Notes N/A
Notes on Method N/A
specific conductivity
Field Value
Parameter specific conductivity
Time Zone PST
Unit of Measurement microSiemens per centimetre
Instrument Type Portable Multiparameter Meter
Instrument Manufacturer YSI
Instrument Model 556MPS
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy ±1.0% of reading or ±0.001 mS ⁄ cm; whichever is greater
Range 0 to 200 mS/cm
Resolution 0.001 mS ⁄cm to 0.1 mS ⁄cm (range dependent)
Calibration Notes Calibrated before each use.
Notes on Method In 2023, conductivity was measured using a YSI EXO2 Sonde. Two measurements are recorded and the average is presented in this dataset.
Field Value
Parameter turbidity
Time Zone PST
Unit of Measurement NTU
Instrument Type Bench Meter
Instrument Manufacturer LaMotte
Instrument Model 2020t Turbidimeter
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy 0-2.5 NTU/FNU: ±0.05
Range 0-100 NTU/FNU
Resolution 0-10.99 NTU/FNU: 0.0
Calibration Notes Calibrated Using 0/1/10 NTU standards
Notes on Method Samples are collected in situ, and measured in office. Where possible samples are analyzed on same day as sampling. When this is not possible, samples are stored in a cool, dark location and analyzed as soon as possible. Two readings are taken and the average is presented in this dataset.
total coliforms
Field Value
Parameter total coliforms
Time Zone PST
Unit of Measurement CFU per 100 mL
Instrument Type N/A
Instrument Manufacturer N/A
Instrument Model N/A
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy N/A
Range N/A
Resolution N/A
Calibration Notes N/A
Notes on Method Samples are collected using standardized bottles provided by lab, and are stored in a cooler/refrigerator until picked up by the lab. Samples are processed by lab within 24 hours of collection. Test method: Membrane Filtration on LES Endo medium. Reference APHA 9222B.
Field Value
Parameter e-coli
Time Zone PST
Unit of Measurement CFU per 100 mL
Instrument Type N/A
Instrument Manufacturer N/A
Instrument Model N/A
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy N/A
Range N/A
Resolution N/A
Calibration Notes N/A
Notes on Method Samples are collected using standardized bottles provided by lab, and are stored in a cooler/refrigerator until picked up by the lab. Samples are processed by lab within 24 hours of collection. Test method: Membrane Filtration on LES Endo medium. Reference APHA 9222B.