Resource metadata

Field Value
Data last updated January 30, 2025
Metadata last updated January 30, 2025
Created January 30, 2025
Format CSV
License CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Data collection infoClimate data is collected from permanent sites installed across the Columbia Basin.
Data processingData is finalized once a year, at which time corrections are confirmed and additional corrections (such as data filling and smoothing) may be applied.
Data typenon-lab
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Datastore statusready
Has viewsTrue
Header row1
Load statusTable was successfully loaded: 32921 rows
Package id559eabf8-a7d9-407b-b122-ebdcad61d62c
Parameter[{'accuracy': 'Temp: +/- 0.21°C from 0 to 50°C', 'calibration': 'Factory calibrated', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'HOBO', 'instrument_model': 'S-THC-M002', 'instrument_type': 'Data Logger', 'notes_method': 'N/A', 'parameter': 'Air temperature', 'parameter_unit': 'degrees celsius', 'range': '40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)', 'resolution': 'Temp: 0.02°C at 25°C ', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'Unknown'}, {'accuracy': 'Typically within ±10 W/m2 or ±5%, whichever is greater in sunlight; Additional temperature induced error ±0.38 W/m2/°C from 25°C ', 'calibration': 'As instructed', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'HOBO', 'instrument_model': 'RX3000', 'instrument_type': 'Data Logger', 'notes_method': 'N/A', 'parameter': 'Solar Radiation', 'parameter_unit': 'other', 'parameter_unit_other': 'Watt', 'range': '0 to 1280 W/m2', 'resolution': '1.25 W/m2', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'Unknown'}, {'accuracy': '+/- 2.5% from 10% to 90% RH (typical), to a maximum of +/- 3.5% including hysteresis at 25°C (77°F); below 10% and above 90% ±5% typical', 'calibration': 'Factory calibrated', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'HOBO', 'instrument_model': 'S-THC-M002', 'instrument_type': 'Data Logger', 'notes_method': 'N/A', 'parameter': 'Relative Humidity', 'parameter_unit': 'standard atmosphere (atm)', 'range': '0-100% RH at -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F); exposure to conditions below -20°C (-4°F) or above 95% RH may temporarily increase the maximum RH sensor error by an additional 1%', 'resolution': 'RH: 0.1% RH', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'Unknown'}, {'accuracy': '±1.1m/s (2.4 mph) or ±4% of Reading Whichever is Greater', 'calibration': 'Factory calibrated', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'HOBO', 'instrument_model': 'S-WSB-M003', 'instrument_type': 'Data Logger', 'notes_method': 'N/A', 'parameter': 'Wind Speed', 'parameter_unit': 'kilometres per hour', 'range': '0 to 76 m/s (0 to 170 mph)', 'resolution': '0.5 m/s (1.1 mph)', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'Unknown'}, {'accuracy': '±1.1m/s (2.4 mph) or ±4% of Reading Whichever is Greater', 'calibration': 'Factory calibrated', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'HOBO', 'instrument_model': 'S-WSB-M003', 'instrument_type': 'Data Logger', 'notes_method': 'N/A', 'parameter': 'Wind Gust', 'parameter_unit': 'kilometres per hour', 'range': '0 to 76 m/s (0 to 170 mph)', 'resolution': '0.5 m/s (1.1 mph)', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'Unknown'}, {'accuracy': '± 5 degrees', 'calibration': 'Factory calibrated', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'HOBO', 'instrument_model': 'S-WDA-M003', 'instrument_type': 'Data Logger', 'notes_method': 'N/A', 'parameter': 'Wind Direction', 'parameter_unit': 'other', 'parameter_unit_other': 'degrees', 'range': '0 to 355 degrees, 5 degree dead band', 'resolution': '1.4 degrees', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'Unknown'}, {'accuracy': 'N/A', 'calibration': 'N/A', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'HOBO', 'instrument_model': 'Barometric Sensor', 'instrument_type': 'Data Logger', 'notes_method': 'N/A', 'parameter': 'Atmospheric Pressue', 'parameter_unit': 'other', 'parameter_unit_other': 'kilopascal', 'range': 'N/A', 'resolution': 'N/A', 'serial_number': 'N/A', 'time_zone': 'Unknown'}, {'accuracy': '±1.0% at Up to 20 mm (1") Per Hour', 'calibration': 'Factory calibrated', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'HOBO', 'instrument_model': 'S-RGB-M002', 'instrument_type': 'Data Logger', 'notes_method': 'N/A', 'parameter': 'Precipitation', 'parameter_unit': 'millimetres', 'range': '0 to 12.7 cm (0 to 5") Per Hour', 'resolution': '0.2 mm', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'Unknown'}, {'accuracy': 'N/A', 'calibration': '', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'N/A', 'instrument_model': 'N/A', 'instrument_type': 'N/A', 'notes_method': '', 'parameter': 'Snow Depth', 'parameter_unit': 'centimetres', 'range': '', 'serial_number': '', 'time_zone': 'Unknown'}]
Recent qa date2025-01-30
Resource citationLiving Lakes Canada. (2023). Climate Station (2023-10-18 to 2024-09-25) Galton Climate (UKKGAL01C) [Resource]. Columbia Basin Water Hub. DOI
Resource data disclaimerNo warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose themselves.
Resource locationMonitoring station located approximately 7km east of Grasmere.
Site[{'datum': 'Not specified', 'elevation': 1935, 'latitude': 49.136741, 'longitude': -115.007485, 'site_id': 'UKKGAL01C', 'site_name': 'Galton Climate Station', 'waterbody': 'N/A', 'waterbody_type': 'climate'}]
Size6.8 MiB
Url typeupload
Waterhub gradeTechnical Research Grade
Citation (Required) Living Lakes Canada. (2023). Climate Station (2023-10-18 to 2024-09-25) Galton Climate (UKKGAL01C) [Resource]. Columbia Basin Water Hub. DOI
Resource Location Monitoring station located approximately 7km east of Grasmere.
Data Collection Information Climate data is collected from permanent sites installed across the Columbia Basin.
Data Processing Data is finalized once a year, at which time corrections are confirmed and additional corrections (such as data filling and smoothing) may be applied.
Data Disclaimer No warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose themselves.
Water Hub Data Grade Technical Research Grade
Date of Most Recent Water Hub QA/QC 2025-01-30
Loading Status Table was successfully loaded: 32921 rows
Datastore Status ready
Data type General

Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description BODC ID
date_time text
site_id text
latitude text
longitude text
notes text
air_temperature text
air_temperature_units text
precipitation text
precipitation_units text
atmospheric_pressure text
atmospheric_pressure_units text
wind_direction text
wind_direction_units text
wind_speed text
wind_speed_units text
wind_gust text
wind_gust_units text
solar_radiation text
solar_radiation_units text
relative_humidity text
relative_humidity_units text
snow_depth text
snow_depth_units text
water_hub_qa_qc text


Field Value
Site Name Galton Climate Station
Waterbody Type Climate
Waterbody N/A
Site Latitude 49.136741
Site Longitude -115.007485
Location Coordinate System Not specified
Site Elevation (masl) 1935


Air temperature
Field Value
Parameter Air temperature
Time Zone Unknown
Unit of Measurement degrees Celsius
Instrument Type Data Logger
Instrument Manufacturer HOBO
Instrument Model S-THC-M002
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy Temp: +/- 0.21°C from 0 to 50°C
Range 40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F)
Resolution Temp: 0.02°C at 25°C
Calibration Notes Factory calibrated
Notes on Method N/A
Solar Radiation
Field Value
Parameter Solar Radiation
Time Zone Unknown
Unit of Measurement Other
Other Watt
Instrument Type Data Logger
Instrument Manufacturer HOBO
Instrument Model RX3000
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy Typically within ±10 W/m2 or ±5%, whichever is greater in sunlight; Additional temperature induced error ±0.38 W/m2/°C from 25°C
Range 0 to 1280 W/m2
Resolution 1.25 W/m2
Calibration Notes As instructed
Notes on Method N/A
Relative Humidity
Field Value
Parameter Relative Humidity
Time Zone Unknown
Unit of Measurement standard atmosphere (atm)
Instrument Type Data Logger
Instrument Manufacturer HOBO
Instrument Model S-THC-M002
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy +/- 2.5% from 10% to 90% RH (typical), to a maximum of +/- 3.5% including hysteresis at 25°C (77°F); below 10% and above 90% ±5% typical
Range 0-100% RH at -40 to 75°C (-40 to 167°F); exposure to conditions below -20°C (-4°F) or above 95% RH may temporarily increase the maximum RH sensor error by an additional 1%
Resolution RH: 0.1% RH
Calibration Notes Factory calibrated
Notes on Method N/A
Wind Speed
Field Value
Parameter Wind Speed
Time Zone Unknown
Unit of Measurement kilometres per hour
Instrument Type Data Logger
Instrument Manufacturer HOBO
Instrument Model S-WSB-M003
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy ±1.1m/s (2.4 mph) or ±4% of Reading Whichever is Greater
Range 0 to 76 m/s (0 to 170 mph)
Resolution 0.5 m/s (1.1 mph)
Calibration Notes Factory calibrated
Notes on Method N/A
Wind Gust
Field Value
Parameter Wind Gust
Time Zone Unknown
Unit of Measurement kilometres per hour
Instrument Type Data Logger
Instrument Manufacturer HOBO
Instrument Model S-WSB-M003
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy ±1.1m/s (2.4 mph) or ±4% of Reading Whichever is Greater
Range 0 to 76 m/s (0 to 170 mph)
Resolution 0.5 m/s (1.1 mph)
Calibration Notes Factory calibrated
Notes on Method N/A
Wind Direction
Field Value
Parameter Wind Direction
Time Zone Unknown
Unit of Measurement Other
Other degrees
Instrument Type Data Logger
Instrument Manufacturer HOBO
Instrument Model S-WDA-M003
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy ± 5 degrees
Range 0 to 355 degrees, 5 degree dead band
Resolution 1.4 degrees
Calibration Notes Factory calibrated
Notes on Method N/A
Atmospheric Pressue
Field Value
Parameter Atmospheric Pressue
Time Zone Unknown
Unit of Measurement Other
Other kilopascal
Instrument Type Data Logger
Instrument Manufacturer HOBO
Instrument Model Barometric Sensor
Serial Number N/A
Instrument Accuracy N/A
Range N/A
Resolution N/A
Calibration Notes N/A
Notes on Method N/A
Field Value
Parameter Precipitation
Time Zone Unknown
Unit of Measurement millimetres
Instrument Type Data Logger
Instrument Manufacturer HOBO
Instrument Model S-RGB-M002
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy ±1.0% at Up to 20 mm (1") Per Hour
Range 0 to 12.7 cm (0 to 5") Per Hour
Resolution 0.2 mm
Calibration Notes Factory calibrated
Notes on Method N/A
Snow Depth
Field Value
Parameter Snow Depth
Time Zone Unknown
Unit of Measurement centimetres
Instrument Type N/A
Instrument Manufacturer N/A
Instrument Model N/A
Serial Number
Instrument Accuracy N/A
Calibration Notes
Notes on Method