Resource metadata

Field Value
Data last updated December 7, 2023
Metadata last updated January 27, 2024
Created July 19, 2021
Format CSV
License CC-BY-SA-4.0
Data collection infoN/A
Data processingThe Water Hub has performed a preliminary QA/QC protocol on this data but the individual user must still confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Data typenon-lab
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Datastore statusready
Has viewsTrue
Header row1
Load statusLoading 35 rows to datastore
Package id30168024-458f-487b-bf87-94f38f6f1a95
Parameter[{'accuracy': 'Not specified', 'calibration': 'Not specified', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'Not specified', 'instrument_model': 'Not specified', 'instrument_type': 'Unknown', 'notes_method': 'Not specified', 'parameter': 'weather and notes', 'parameter_unit': 'observation', 'range': 'Not specified', 'resolution': 'Not specified', 'serial_number': 'Not specified', 'time_zone': 'PT'}, {'accuracy': 'Not specified', 'calibration': 'Not specified', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'Not specified', 'instrument_model': 'Not specified', 'instrument_type': 'Unknown', 'notes_method': 'Not specified', 'parameter': 'Air temperature', 'parameter_unit': 'degrees celsius', 'range': 'Not specified', 'resolution': 'Not specified', 'serial_number': 'Not specified', 'time_zone': 'PT'}, {'accuracy': 'Not specified', 'calibration': 'Not specified', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'Not specified', 'instrument_model': 'Not specified', 'instrument_type': 'Unknown', 'notes_method': 'Not specified', 'parameter': 'Water Temperature', 'parameter_unit': 'degrees celsius', 'range': 'Not specified', 'resolution': 'Not specified', 'serial_number': 'Not specified', 'time_zone': 'PT'}, {'accuracy': 'Not specified', 'calibration': 'Not specified', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'Not specified', 'instrument_model': 'Not specified', 'instrument_type': 'Unknown', 'notes_method': 'Not specified', 'parameter': 'conductivity', 'parameter_unit': 'microsiemens per centimetre', 'range': '', 'resolution': 'Not specified', 'serial_number': 'Not specified', 'time_zone': 'PT'}, {'accuracy': 'Not specified', 'calibration': 'Not specified', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'Not specified', 'instrument_model': 'Not specified', 'instrument_type': 'Unknown', 'notes_method': 'Not specified', 'parameter': 'turbidity', 'parameter_unit': 'ntu', 'range': 'Not specified', 'resolution': 'Not specified', 'serial_number': 'Not specified', 'time_zone': 'PT'}]
Resource citationSlocan River Streamkeepers. (2021). Water Quality (2003-03-26 to 2003-09-07) South Slocan River. Columbia Basin Water Hub [Resource]. Crescent Valley, BC.
Resource data disclaimerNo warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. Insufficient metadata is available to assess the quality of this data. Instrument accuracy may be limited. A calibration record has not been provided for the instruments used to collect this data. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Resource locationSlocan River
Site[{'datum': 'WGS84', 'elevation': 463, 'latitude': 49.43481, 'longitude': -117.5405, 'site_id': 'slocanriver_shoreacres', 'site_name': "Slocan River at Shoreacres/NJSLO01 (original site)/Don Paul's House", 'waterbody': 'Slocan River', 'waterbody_type': 'stream/river'}]
Size7.1 KiB
Url typeupload
Waterhub gradeCommunity Research Grade
Citation (Required) Slocan River Streamkeepers. (2021). Water Quality (2003-03-26 to 2003-09-07) South Slocan River. Columbia Basin Water Hub [Resource]. Crescent Valley, BC.
Resource Location Slocan River
Data Collection Information N/A
Data Processing The Water Hub has performed a preliminary QA/QC protocol on this data but the individual user must still confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Data Disclaimer No warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. Insufficient metadata is available to assess the quality of this data. Instrument accuracy may be limited. A calibration record has not been provided for the instruments used to collect this data. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Water Hub Data Grade Community Research Grade
Date of Most Recent Water Hub QA/QC
Loading Status Loading 35 rows to datastore
Datastore Status ready
Data type General

Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description BODC ID
date_time text
site_id text
latitude text
longitude text
notes text
weather_and_notes text
weather_and_notes_units text
air_temperature text
air_temperature_units text
water_temperature text
water_temperature_units text
conductivity text Cond This is the preferred term for this definition. Alternative codes (PCONCS01 and PCONZZ01) are undesired duplicates from BODC history and should not be used. SDN:P01::CNDCZZ01
conductivity_units text
turbidity text Turbidity Estimate of suspended sediment concentration based on the proportion of a light transmission in the water column that is reflected back to a co-located receiver. SDN:P01::TURBXXXX
turbidity_units text
water_hub_qa_qc text


Field Value
Site ID slocanriver_shoreacres
Site Name Slocan River at Shoreacres/NJSLO01 (original site)/Don Paul's House
Waterbody Type Stream/River
Waterbody Slocan River
Site Latitude 49.43481
Site Longitude -117.5405
Location Coordinate System WGS84
Site Elevation (masl) 463


weather and notes
Field Value
Parameter weather and notes
Time Zone PT
Unit of Measurement observation
Instrument Type Unknown
Instrument Manufacturer Not specified
Instrument Model Not specified
Serial Number Not specified
Instrument Accuracy Not specified
Range Not specified
Resolution Not specified
Calibration Notes Not specified
Notes on Method Not specified
Air temperature
Field Value
Parameter Air temperature
Time Zone PT
Unit of Measurement degrees Celsius
Instrument Type Unknown
Instrument Manufacturer Not specified
Instrument Model Not specified
Serial Number Not specified
Instrument Accuracy Not specified
Range Not specified
Resolution Not specified
Calibration Notes Not specified
Notes on Method Not specified
Water Temperature
Field Value
Parameter Water Temperature
Time Zone PT
Unit of Measurement degrees Celsius
Instrument Type Unknown
Instrument Manufacturer Not specified
Instrument Model Not specified
Serial Number Not specified
Instrument Accuracy Not specified
Range Not specified
Resolution Not specified
Calibration Notes Not specified
Notes on Method Not specified
Field Value
Parameter conductivity
Time Zone PT
Unit of Measurement microSiemens per centimetre
Instrument Type Unknown
Instrument Manufacturer Not specified
Instrument Model Not specified
Serial Number Not specified
Instrument Accuracy Not specified
Resolution Not specified
Calibration Notes Not specified
Notes on Method Not specified
Field Value
Parameter turbidity
Time Zone PT
Unit of Measurement NTU
Instrument Type Unknown
Instrument Manufacturer Not specified
Instrument Model Not specified
Serial Number Not specified
Instrument Accuracy Not specified
Range Not specified
Resolution Not specified
Calibration Notes Not specified
Notes on Method Not specified