Thomas Brook
Columbia Basin Water HubThis is a log of flow measurements of a spring, Thomas Brook, at the top edge of private land near Argenta, BC. -
Topping Creek
Rossland StreamkeepersData includes water level as determined from pressure transducer in logger sensor and temperature; Flow will be measured periodically to determine Rating Curve. Battery failure... -
Windermere Creek Monitoring
Lake Windermere AmbassadorsThis data set is part of Lake Windermere Water monitoring project. It includes creek monitoring through the 2024 season. -
Goat River Water Quality
Wildsight Creston ValleyThis dataset contains water quality measurements and lab results for Goat River. This is part of a program that collects water quality data using portable meters from spring to... -
Goat River (10th Ave S) Water Quality
Wildsight Creston ValleyThis dataset contains data collected on the Goat River using a Water Rangers test kit. -
Goat River (3.5km) Water Quality
Wildsight Creston ValleyThis dataset contains data collected on the Goat River using a Water Rangers test kit. -
Slocan Lake Water Level
Columbia Basin Water HubWeekly lake level measurements for Slocan Lake collected by a community volunteer. -
Trout Lake at Denver St
Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species SocietyThe Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society (CSISS) collects plankton samples for several waterbodies in the Northern Columbia Basin which are tested for the presence of... -
Cedar Lake at Recreation Site
Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species SocietyThe Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society (CSISS) collects plankton samples for several waterbodies in the Northern Columbia Basin which are tested for the presence of... -
Kinbasket Reservoir at Bush Harbour
Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species SocietyThe Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society (CSISS) collects plankton samples for several waterbodies in the Northern Columbia Basin which are tested for the presence of... -
Lake Koocanusa Field Water Quality (EKISC)
East Kootenay Invasive Species CouncilThe East Kootenay Invasive Species Council (EKISC) conducts invasive mussel monitoring on various waterbodies across the region. A water sample is taken at each lake using a... -
Laird Creek Watershed Monitoring
Laird Creek Water UsersWater monitoring on Laird Creek, currently led by the Laird Creek Water Users -
Alexander Creek (NGALX03 or ALX003)
Elk River AllianceWater samples and temperature readings are taken at Alexander Creek (ALX003) near the Sparwood Fish and Wildlife Range as part of the Elk River Alliance's Community-based Water... -
Beaver Creek at Bubbles
Rossland StreamkeepersHydrology stage station to measure water level, temperature and discharge in lower Beaver Creek. Barometric pressure is collected at the station, and converted to water level... -
Cambridge Creek (02)
Rossland StreamkeepersWater level monitoring data and temperature for Cambridge Creek collected by Rossland Streamkeepers. -
St. Mary River (NGSTM02)
Columbia Basin Water HubWater quality monitoring for the St. Mary River. From 2010 to 2014 the data in this dataset was collected by the St. Mary Valley Rural Resident Association as part of the... -
Birchlands Creek (NABIR02)
Columbia Basin Water HubWater quality monitoring for Birchlands Creek. From 2015 to 2017, data in this dataset was collected by Wildsight Golden as part of the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring... -
Horse Creek (NAHOR01)
Columbia Basin Water HubWater quality monitoring for Horse Creek. From 2009 to 2012, data in this dataset was collected by Wildsight Golden as part of the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring... -
Joseph Creek Upper (NGJOS01)
Columbia Basin Water HubWater quality monitoring for Joseph Creek. From 2007 to 2015, data in this dataset was collected as part of the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring Project which was... -
Kimberley Creek (NGKMB03)
Columbia Basin Water HubWater quality data for Kimberley Creek (NGKMB03), collected by Wildsight Kimberley Cranbrook as part of the Columbia Basin Water Quality Monitoring Project which was coordinated...