Cambridge Creek (02)

Water level monitoring data and temperature for Cambridge Creek collected by Rossland Streamkeepers.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Dataset Collection Organization Bill Coedy/Rossland Streamkeepers
Dataset Steward Email
Dataset Citation Rossland Streamkeepers. (2021). Cambridge Creek (02) [Data set]. Columbia Basin Water Hub.
Dataset Upload Year 2021
Dataset Earliest Record Start Date 2021-08-19
Dataset Latest Record End Date 2023-10-30
Dataset Funding Description The MX2001 water level logger and staff gauge and the install costs were funded by the City of Trail.
Dataset Data Disclaimer Data has not been certified by a hydrologist. No warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Other Data Sources none
Brief description of dataset location A water level logger in a pipe still-well and a staff gauge were fastened to a concrete rock wall above a weir structure that was installed in the 1930s by the City of Trail. The weir creates a deep quiet pond ideal for water level measurements. A turbulent Cambridge Creek flows into this area. The station is about 500 m upstream from the confluence with Trail Creek.
Dataset Type Stream
Dataset Keywords Water Level,Water temperature,Hydrometric,Stream,Community Research Grade,People and Perspectives
Dataset Latitude 49.0827
Dataset Longitude -117.7553
Dataset DOI
Station URL