Resource metadata

Field Value
Data last updated December 6, 2023
Metadata last updated February 4, 2025
Created March 23, 2021
Format CSV
License CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Data collection infoAs per lab protocol, used ALS Lab sample bottles; rinsed 3x, grab sample collected, samples shipped immediately to lab for analysis. Samples analysed by ALS Laboratories.
Data processingThe Water Hub has performed a preliminary QA/QC protocol on this data but the individual user must still confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose. We are not conducting QA/QC on the values themselves.
Data typelab
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Datastore statusready
Has viewsTrue
Header row1
Load statusERROR: (psycopg2.errors.InsufficientPrivilege) must be owner of table 54d312ec-6627-4337-a47b-aae5deb976ca [SQL: DROP TABLE "54d312ec-6627-4337-a47b-aae5deb976ca"] (Background on this error at:
Package ide06a8dda-cd38-4f23-bcca-d988d9aded29
Parameter[{'lab_name': 'ALS Labs', 'sample_date_time': '2020-05-29 10:42:00', 'sample_details': 'Lab Provided Bottles', 'sample_id': 'VA20A6347-003', 'sample_site_id': 'Haley Creek', 'time_zone': 'PT'}]
Resource citationRossland Streamkeepers. (2021). Water Quality (2020-05-11) Haley Creek. Columbia Basin Water Hub [Resource]. Warfield.
Resource data disclaimerNo warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Resource locationHaley Creek, Warfield
Site[{'datum': 'WGS84', 'elevation': 537, 'latitude': 49.0975, 'longitude': -117.7375, 'site_id': 'Haley Creek', 'site_name': 'Haley Creek', 'waterbody': 'Haley Creek', 'waterbody_type': 'stream/river'}]
Size9.7 KiB
Url typeupload
Waterhub gradeTechnical Research Grade
Citation (Required) Rossland Streamkeepers. (2021). Water Quality (2020-05-11) Haley Creek. Columbia Basin Water Hub [Resource]. Warfield.
Resource Location Haley Creek, Warfield
Data Collection Information As per lab protocol, used ALS Lab sample bottles; rinsed 3x, grab sample collected, samples shipped immediately to lab for analysis. Samples analysed by ALS Laboratories.
Data Processing The Water Hub has performed a preliminary QA/QC protocol on this data but the individual user must still confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose. We are not conducting QA/QC on the values themselves.
Data Disclaimer No warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Water Hub Data Grade Technical Research Grade
Date of Most Recent Water Hub QA/QC
Loading Status ERROR: (psycopg2.errors.InsufficientPrivilege) must be owner of table 54d312ec-6627-4337-a47b-aae5deb976ca [SQL: DROP TABLE "54d312ec-6627-4337-a47b-aae5deb976ca"] (Background on this error at:
Datastore Status ready
Data type Laboratory Results

Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description BODC ID
date_sampled timestamp
date_analysis timestamp
test_type text
site_ID text
sample_id text
analyte text
analyte_speciation text
method text
unit_of_measurement text
value_type text
matrix text
detection_limit float8
results text
notes float8


Haley Creek
Field Value
Site ID Haley Creek
Site Name Haley Creek
Waterbody Type Stream/River
Waterbody Haley Creek
Site Latitude 49.0975
Site Longitude -117.7375
Location Coordinate System WGS84
Site Elevation (masl) 537


Haley Creek
Field Value
Time Zone PT
Sample ID VA20A6347-003
Site ID Haley Creek
Lab Name ALS Labs
Date and Time of Sampling 2020-05-29 10:42:00
Sampling Details Lab Provided Bottles