Resource metadata

Field Value
Data last updated April 9, 2024
Metadata last updated April 9, 2024
Created May 3, 2023
Format CSV
License CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Ckan url
Data collection infoData was collected using the Solinst M5 3001 level logger, and the M1.5 3001 barrologger. Equipment was calibrated, and a fixed point was established in the field to track equipment displacement, and to verify accuracy of logger readings in regards to lake level.
Data processingLogged data was QA/QC'd by LLC staff and MacHydro Consultants Ltd.
Data typenon-lab
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileTrue
Datastore statusready
Has viewsTrue
Header row1
Ignore hashTrue
Load statusTable was successfully loaded: 5094 rows
On same domainTrue
Original url
Package id33c9c141-f631-4d06-ad9b-daf1879dd717
Parameter[{'accuracy': '±0.05ºC', 'calibration': 'Calibration is completed regularly - log available upon request.', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'Salinist', 'instrument_model': 'M5 3001 level loggers and M1.5 3001 barologger\r\n', 'instrument_type': 'Data Logger', 'notes_method': 'N/A', 'parameter': 'Water Temperature', 'parameter_unit': 'degrees celsius', 'range': 'N/A', 'resolution': '0.003ºC', 'time_zone': 'PST'}, {'accuracy': '±0.05% FS', 'calibration': 'Calibration Notes\tCalibration is completed regularly - log available upon request.', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'Solinist', 'instrument_model': 'M5 3001 level loggers and M1.5 3001 barologger\r\n\r\n', 'instrument_type': 'Data Logger', 'notes_method': 'N/A', 'parameter': 'water_level', 'parameter_unit': 'metres', 'range': '5, 10, 20, 30, 100, and 200 m', 'resolution': '0.001% FS to 0.0006% FS', 'time_zone': 'PST'}]
Resource citationHeather Shaw. (2022). Water Level (2022-08-15 to 2022-10-07) Sapphire Lake [Resource]. Columbia Basin Water Hub.
Resource data disclaimerNo warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Resource id35b7c6ab-2997-4238-9005-1adca8d31c6c
Resource locationThis data was collected at Sapphire Lake in Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park, B.C. The lake sits at 2263 masl and is situated in the Interior mountain-heather Alpine (IMA) biogeoclimatic zone. It is fed by precipitation and snow melt and marks the headwaters of Lemon Creek.
Site[{'datum': 'Not specified', 'elevation': 2263, 'latitude': 49.751333, 'longitude': -117.20766, 'site_id': 'SAP01', 'site_name': 'Sapphire Lake', 'waterbody': 'Sapphire Lake', 'waterbody_type': 'lake'}]
Size536.3 KiB
Task created2024-04-09 19:09:24.877153
Url typeupload
Waterhub gradeNot Reviewed
Citation (Required) Heather Shaw. (2022). Water Level (2022-08-15 to 2022-10-07) Sapphire Lake [Resource]. Columbia Basin Water Hub.
Resource Location This data was collected at Sapphire Lake in Kokanee Glacier Provincial Park, B.C. The lake sits at 2263 masl and is situated in the Interior mountain-heather Alpine (IMA) biogeoclimatic zone. It is fed by precipitation and snow melt and marks the headwaters of Lemon Creek.
Data Collection Information Data was collected using the Solinst M5 3001 level logger, and the M1.5 3001 barrologger. Equipment was calibrated, and a fixed point was established in the field to track equipment displacement, and to verify accuracy of logger readings in regards to lake level.
Data Processing Logged data was QA/QC'd by LLC staff and MacHydro Consultants Ltd.
Data Disclaimer No warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Water Hub Data Grade Not Reviewed
Date of Most Recent Water Hub QA/QC
Loading Status Table was successfully loaded: 5094 rows
Datastore Status ready
Data type General

Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description BODC ID
date_time timestamp
site_id text
latitude text
longitude text
notes text
water_level text DepBelowSurf The distance of a sensor or sampling point below the sea surface SDN:P01::ADEPZZ01
water_level_units text
water_temperature text
water_temperature_units text
water_hub_qa_qc text


Field Value
Site ID SAP01
Site Name Sapphire Lake
Waterbody Type Lake
Waterbody Sapphire Lake
Site Latitude 49.751333
Site Longitude -117.20766
Location Coordinate System Not specified
Site Elevation (masl) 2263


Water Temperature
Field Value
Parameter Water Temperature
Time Zone PST
Unit of Measurement degrees Celsius
Instrument Type Data Logger
Instrument Manufacturer Salinist
Instrument Model M5 3001 level loggers and M1.5 3001 barologger
Instrument Accuracy ±0.05ºC
Range N/A
Resolution 0.003ºC
Calibration Notes Calibration is completed regularly - log available upon request.
Notes on Method N/A
Field Value
Parameter water_level
Time Zone PST
Unit of Measurement metres
Instrument Type Data Logger
Instrument Manufacturer Solinist
Instrument Model M5 3001 level loggers and M1.5 3001 barologger
Instrument Accuracy ±0.05% FS
Range 5, 10, 20, 30, 100, and 200 m
Resolution 0.001% FS to 0.0006% FS
Calibration Notes Calibration Notes Calibration is completed regularly - log available upon request.
Notes on Method N/A