Resource metadata

Field Value
Data last updated December 7, 2023
Metadata last updated January 24, 2024
Created March 31, 2023
Format CSV
License CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0
Data collection infoCKISS follows the British Columbia Dreissenid Mussel Lake Monitoring Field Protocol which is provided by the BC Ministry of Water, Land, and Resource Stewardship.
Data processingData validation to check if values are within expected ranges, outliers flagged
Data typenon-lab
Datastore activeTrue
Datastore contains all records of source fileFalse
Datastore statuspending
Has viewsTrue
Header row1
Load statusTable was successfully loaded: 10 rows
Package iddde52f55-92f2-4f45-9e88-fa966a9c4ace
Parameter[{'accuracy': '0.5', 'calibration': 'Calibrated weekly as per manufacturer specification', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'Oakton', 'instrument_model': 'pHTestr 5 Pocket Tester', 'instrument_type': 'Portable Multiparameter Meter', 'notes_method': 'As per British Columbia Dreissenid Mussel Lake\r\nMonitoring Field Protocol\r\n', 'parameter': 'Water Temperature', 'parameter_unit': 'degrees celsius', 'range': '0-50', 'resolution': '0.1', 'serial_number': 'N/A', 'time_zone': 'PT'}, {'accuracy': '0.01 pH unit ±1 digit (automatic temperature compensation)', 'calibration': 'Calibrated weekly as per manufacturer specification', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'Oakton', 'instrument_model': 'pHTestr 5 Pocket Tester', 'instrument_type': 'Portable Multiparameter Meter', 'notes_method': 'As per British Columbia Dreissenid Mussel Lake\r\nMonitoring Field Protocol\r\n', 'parameter': 'pH', 'parameter_unit': 'ph units', 'range': "'-2.00-16.00", 'resolution': '0.1 pH unit', 'serial_number': 'N/A', 'time_zone': 'PT'}, {'accuracy': 'N/A', 'calibration': 'N/A', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'LaMotte', 'instrument_model': 'LaMotte secchi disc', 'instrument_type': 'Secchi Disk', 'notes_method': 'As per British Columbia Dreissenid Mussel Lake Monitoring Field Protocol\r\n', 'parameter': 'water_clarity_secchi', 'parameter_unit': 'metres', 'range': 'N/A', 'resolution': 'N/A', 'serial_number': 'N/A', 'time_zone': 'N/A'}, {'accuracy': 'N/A', 'calibration': 'N/A', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'LaMotte', 'instrument_model': 'LaMotte secchi disc', 'instrument_type': 'Secchi Disk', 'notes_method': 'Trophic status is determined by Secchi Depth as per British Columbia Dreissenid Mussel Lake\r\nMonitoring Field Protocol\r\n', 'parameter': 'trophic status', 'parameter_unit': 'n/a', 'range': 'N/A', 'resolution': 'N/A', 'serial_number': 'N/A', 'time_zone': 'N/A'}, {'accuracy': '±10 mg/L ±5% of reading', 'calibration': 'Calibrated weekly as per manufacturer specification', 'instrument_manufacturer': 'Hanna Instruments', 'instrument_model': 'HI 96752', 'instrument_type': 'Other', 'instrument_type_other': 'Portable Photometer', 'notes_method': 'Total Calcium was measured only in 2018, as Dissolved Calcium is the parameter required to inform ZQM habitat suitability. \r\n', 'parameter': 'Calcium Total', 'parameter_unit': 'milligrams per litre', 'range': '0 to 400 mg/L (ppm)', 'resolution': '1 mg/L (ppm)', 'serial_number': 'N/A', 'time_zone': 'N/A'}]
Recent qa date2023-07-31
Resource citationCentral Kootenay Invasive Species Society. (2022). Field Water Quality (2022-07-04 to 2022-10-20) Slocan River [Resource]. Columbia Basin Water Hub.
Resource data disclaimerNo warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Resource locationMeasurements are taken at two locations on Slocan River. See metadata in download for site coordinates.
Site[{'datum': 'WGS84', 'elevation': 545, 'latitude': 49.6649, 'longitude': -117.511503, 'site_id': 'slocan_perrys', 'site_name': 'Perrys Back Road', 'waterbody': 'Slocan River', 'waterbody_type': 'lake'}, {'datum': 'WGS84', 'elevation': 454, 'latitude': 49.42032, 'longitude': -117.531514, 'site_id': 'slocan_shoreacres', 'site_name': 'Shoreacres', 'waterbody': 'Slocan River', 'waterbody_type': 'lake'}]
Size1.2 KiB
Url typeupload
Waterhub gradeCommunity Research Grade
Citation (Required) Central Kootenay Invasive Species Society. (2022). Field Water Quality (2022-07-04 to 2022-10-20) Slocan River [Resource]. Columbia Basin Water Hub.
Resource Location Measurements are taken at two locations on Slocan River. See metadata in download for site coordinates.
Data Collection Information CKISS follows the British Columbia Dreissenid Mussel Lake Monitoring Field Protocol which is provided by the BC Ministry of Water, Land, and Resource Stewardship.
Data Processing Data validation to check if values are within expected ranges, outliers flagged
Data Disclaimer No warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Water Hub Data Grade Community Research Grade
Date of Most Recent Water Hub QA/QC 2023-07-31
Loading Status Table was successfully loaded: 10 rows
Datastore Status pending
Data type General

Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description BODC ID
date_time text
site_id text
latitude float8
longitude float8
notes float8
water_temperature float8
water_temperature_units text
pH float8
pH_units text
water_hub_qa_qc float8


Field Value
Site ID slocan_perrys
Site Name Perrys Back Road
Waterbody Type Lake
Waterbody Slocan River
Site Latitude 49.6649
Site Longitude -117.511503
Location Coordinate System WGS84
Site Elevation (masl) 545
Field Value
Site ID slocan_shoreacres
Site Name Shoreacres
Waterbody Type Lake
Waterbody Slocan River
Site Latitude 49.42032
Site Longitude -117.531514
Location Coordinate System WGS84
Site Elevation (masl) 454


Water Temperature
Field Value
Parameter Water Temperature
Time Zone PT
Unit of Measurement degrees Celsius
Instrument Type Portable Multiparameter Meter
Instrument Manufacturer Oakton
Instrument Model pHTestr 5 Pocket Tester
Serial Number N/A
Instrument Accuracy 0.5
Range 0-50
Resolution 0.1
Calibration Notes Calibrated weekly as per manufacturer specification
Notes on Method As per British Columbia Dreissenid Mussel Lake Monitoring Field Protocol
Field Value
Parameter pH
Time Zone PT
Unit of Measurement pH units
Instrument Type Portable Multiparameter Meter
Instrument Manufacturer Oakton
Instrument Model pHTestr 5 Pocket Tester
Serial Number N/A
Instrument Accuracy 0.01 pH unit ±1 digit (automatic temperature compensation)
Range '-2.00-16.00
Resolution 0.1 pH unit
Calibration Notes Calibrated weekly as per manufacturer specification
Notes on Method As per British Columbia Dreissenid Mussel Lake Monitoring Field Protocol
Field Value
Parameter water_clarity_secchi
Time Zone N/A
Unit of Measurement metres
Instrument Type Secchi Disk
Instrument Manufacturer LaMotte
Instrument Model LaMotte secchi disc
Serial Number N/A
Instrument Accuracy N/A
Range N/A
Resolution N/A
Calibration Notes N/A
Notes on Method As per British Columbia Dreissenid Mussel Lake Monitoring Field Protocol
trophic status
Field Value
Parameter trophic status
Time Zone N/A
Unit of Measurement N/A
Instrument Type Secchi Disk
Instrument Manufacturer LaMotte
Instrument Model LaMotte secchi disc
Serial Number N/A
Instrument Accuracy N/A
Range N/A
Resolution N/A
Calibration Notes N/A
Notes on Method Trophic status is determined by Secchi Depth as per British Columbia Dreissenid Mussel Lake Monitoring Field Protocol
Calcium Total
Field Value
Parameter Calcium Total
Time Zone N/A
Unit of Measurement milligrams per litre
Instrument Type Other
Other Portable Photometer
Instrument Manufacturer Hanna Instruments
Instrument Model HI 96752
Serial Number N/A
Instrument Accuracy ±10 mg/L ±5% of reading
Range 0 to 400 mg/L (ppm)
Resolution 1 mg/L (ppm)
Calibration Notes Calibrated weekly as per manufacturer specification
Notes on Method Total Calcium was measured only in 2018, as Dissolved Calcium is the parameter required to inform ZQM habitat suitability.