Whiteswan Lake Foreshore Integrated Management Planning Open 2020

This dataset contains the open access data and reports for the FIMP survey carried out in Whiteswan Lake in 2020. Whiteswan Lake is a 378 ha montane lake nestled within the Kootenay Ranges of the Rocky Mountains in a mainly east-west orientation, approximately 30 km southeast of Canal Flats, BC. The lake is located within the Whiteswan Lake Provincial Park, which was created in 1978 with the primary focus to protect the underrepresented Dry Cool Montane Spruce (MSdk) biogeoclimatic subzone ecosystem while maintaining a recreational destination for outdoor opportunities. The lake has been managed as a monoculture rainbow trout fishery since the 1960s and there are concerns of hybridization of the introduced rainbow trout with the native westslope cutthroat trout downstream of the lake, which prompted management actions. The area has significant cultural values to First Nations as it provided a geographical link between the Columbia Valley and the Elk Valley and the prairies, and was used as a marshalling point, hunting camp and was also used for religious and social events.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Dataset Collection Organization Lotic Environmental
Dataset Steward Email santiago@livinglakescanada.ca
Dataset Citation Masse, S., de Zwart, I. and T. Ehlers. 2021. Foreshore Integrated Management Plan. Report prepared by Masse Environmental Consultants Ltd. Report prepare for Living Lakes Canada, Nelson, BC. https://doi.org/10.48511/9ZBT-BG13
Dataset Upload Year 2021
Dataset Earliest Record Start Date 2020-01-01
Dataset Latest Record End Date 2021-12-31
Dataset Funding Description Funding and/or inkind support provided by: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Regional District of Central Kootenay, Regional District of East Kootenay, and Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development.
Dataset Data Disclaimer No warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Other Data Sources
Brief description of dataset location Shores of Whiteswan Lake
Dataset Type Lake
Dataset Keywords Habitat,GIS data,Technical Research Grade,People and Perspectives,Land Use,Lake,Lentic
Dataset Latitude 50.1418
Dataset Longitude -115.4773
Dataset DOI
Station URL