Kootenay Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open 2010 - 2019

This dataset contains the openly accessible data for the FIMP survey carried out on Kootenay Lake in 2012. Many of the areas around Kootenay Lake have historically been undeveloped natural areas. However, in recent years these rural or undeveloped lots are transitioning to recreation and single family type developments as people discover the opportunities that exist to develop the shoreline. These areas offer excellent retirement and recreational destinations. A high level of recreation occurs because Kootenay Lake is within a day’s drive from major centres in Alberta and BC, which makes it a potential option for recreational type property from many different areas. In addition to residential and recreational related development, other forms of land development including transportation, hydro-electric power generation, and agriculture also have an impact on the lake. Many of the upland areas that border the lake are still either Crown Lands, are Crown Lands under tenure or leases, or are undeveloped private parcels. The intent of this project is to provide a baseline overview of the shoreline condition of Kootenay Lake.

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Dataset Collection Organization Ecoscape Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Dataset Steward Email santiago@livinglakescanada.ca
Dataset Citation Ecoscape Environmental Consultants Ltd. (2021). Kootenay Lake Foreshore Inventory Mapping Open [Data set]. Columbia Basin Water Hub. https://doi.org/10.48511/223F-G926
Dataset Upload Year 2021
Dataset Earliest Record Start Date 2010-01-01
Dataset Latest Record End Date 2019-12-31
Dataset Funding Description Funding and or in-kind donations for this Project were provided by: Kootenay Lake Partnership, Fisheries and Oceans Canada Ktunaxa Nation, Ecoscape Environmental Consultants Ltd.
Dataset Data Disclaimer No warranty or guarantee exists that the information is accurate, complete, current, or suitable for any purpose. The individual user must confirm the accuracy of the data and whether it will be appropriate for their purpose.
Other Data Sources
Brief description of dataset location Shores of Kootenay Lake
Dataset Type Lake
Dataset Keywords GIS data,Habitat,People and Perspectives,Technical Research Grade,Lake,Land Use
Dataset Latitude 49.6393
Dataset Longitude -116.9194
Dataset DOI
Station URL