78 datasets found

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  • VOW 26 - Cranbrook (9th St S)

    Living Lakes Groundwater Monitoring Program
    This dataset is part of the Living Lakes Canada Upper Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program, and contains a groundwater monitoring record for VOW 26 - Cranbrook (9th St...
  • Elk River Watershed

    Elk River Alliance
    Elk River Alliance's Community-based Water Monitoring program (CBWM) is a continuous long-term monitoring program covering selected tributaries of the Elk River to fill in gaps...
  • Galton Climate (UKKGAL01C)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains climate data for Galton Climate Station. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Edwards Lake Level (UKKEDW01L)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains lake level data for Edwards Lake. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a...
  • Reserve Creek Hydrometric (UKKRSV01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Reserve Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Willie Phillips Creek Hydrometric (UKKWIL01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric and water temperature data for Willie Phillips Creek hydrometric station. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water...
  • Indian Lake Level (UKKIND01L)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains lake level data for Indian Lake level logger. This site is part of the Living Lakes Canada Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The...
  • VOW 19 - Grasmere (Hwy 93)

    Living Lakes Groundwater Monitoring Program
    This dataset is part of the Living Lakes Canada Upper Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program, and contains a groundwater level monitoring record for VOW 19 - Grasmere...
  • VOW 23 - Yaq̓it ʔa·knuqⱡi ‘it (Grasmere Dorr Rd)

    Living Lakes Groundwater Monitoring Program
    This dataset is part of the Living Lakes Canada Upper Columbia Basin Groundwater Monitoring Program, and contains a groundwater level monitoring record for VOW 23 - Yaq̓it...
  • Lake Koocanusa Field Water Quality (EKISC)

    East Kootenay Invasive Species Council
    The East Kootenay Invasive Species Council (EKISC) conducts invasive mussel monitoring on various waterbodies across the region. A water sample is taken at each lake using a...
  • Cherry Creek Hydrometric (UKKCHR01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Cherry Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Sulphur Creek Hydrometric (UKKSUL01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Sulphur Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Thunder Creek Hydrometric (UKKTHU01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Thunder Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Kikomun Creek Hydrometric (UKKKMN01H)

    Living Lakes Canada
    This dataset contains hydrometric data for Kikomun Creek. This site is part of the Columbia Basin Water Monitoring Framework program (CBWMF). The CBWMF is a coordinated...
  • Lizard Creek (LIZ003)

    Elk River Alliance
    Water samples and temperature readings are taken at Lizard Creek (LIZ003) near the Mount Fernie Provincial Campground as part of the Elk River Alliance's Community-based Water...
  • Lizard Creek (LIZ009)

    Elk River Alliance
    Water samples and temperature readings are taken at Lizard Creek (LIZ009) a kilometer upstream of its intersection with the Elk River, as part of the Elk River Alliance's...
  • Lizard Creek (LIZ001)

    Elk River Alliance
    Water samples and temperature readings are taken at Lizard Creek (LIZ001) at its intersection with the Elk River, as part of the Elk River Alliance's Community-based Water...
  • Coal Creek (COL003)

    Elk River Alliance
    Water samples and temperature readings are taken at Coal Creek (COL003) at the upstream portion of this stream as part of the Elk River Alliance's Community-based Water...
  • Coal Creek (COL001)

    Elk River Alliance
    Water samples and temperature readings are taken at Coal Creek (COL001) at the mountain biking trailhead along Coal Creek Road as part of the Elk River Alliance's Community-...
  • Boivin Creek (BOI002)

    Elk River Alliance
    Water samples and temperature readings are taken at Boivin Creek (BOI002) as part of the Elk River Alliance's Community-based Water Monitoring program (CBWM) and Elk River...